Q. What is Chow Chow Rescue? What do you do?
A. Chow Chow Rescue volunteers work to place homeless Chows into new, permanent homes. Reputable rescue groups and volunteers evaluate and rehabilitate Chows that are in need of placement, actively look for adoptive homes, and foster the dogs until those homes are found.
Q. Why are all these Chows homeless? Is something wrong with them?
A. Most become homeless through no fault of their own - their owners moved and couldn't keep them, they were allowed to run loose and became lost, or their owners died or suffered a family tragedy. We do not knowingly offer dogs that were given up because of aggression, biting, or serious behavior problems.
Q. I've heard that Chows are "one family" dogs and can't bond with a new owner. Is this true?
A. If it were, we'd certainly be wasting our time! A good tempered adult Chow Chow can adapt to a new owner, a new family, and a new home at any age and as well as any other dog - and we have dozens of happy ending stories to prove it!
Q. But isn't an adult dog set in its ways? Aren't they too old to be trained?
A. Oh my, no! Dogs can learn new habits and be trained at any age. In fact, adult dogs are often easier to train than puppies because they have longer attention spans and are more settled. Many Chows rescued as adults have achieved titles in obedience competitions.
Q. Are there any advantages to adopting an adult Chow rather than buying a puppy?
A. Yes! Puppies need plenty of attention, time, and training in their first year. In today's world of long working hours and many activities outside the home, most people don't have this kind of time anymore. Adult dogs are usually already housebroken and past the destructive stage. They can adjust to busy lifestyles better than a new puppy. They've grown as big as they're ever going to get so there's no surprises. The adoption fee for an adult dog is almost always much less expensive than the price of a puppy and you won't have the expense of additional shots and wormings that puppies require when they're little. (and you won't have a chewed up couch!) Most rescued Chows are already spayed or neutered, saving you another large expense. Most importantly, with adult dogs what you see is what you get: their temperaments and personalities are readily apparent.
Q. I have children. Shouldn't I get a puppy so it can grow up with them?
A. Not necessarily. Many rescued Chows love children! Baby puppies have very sharp teeth and can play too roughly for some kids. They have to be taught how to behave around children just as the children need to be taught how to behave around dogs. An adult Chow that's been raised with children already understands this. We highly recommend you read our article "Dogs & Kids Together Safely" regardless what age of dog you get.
Q. I have another dog. Will a rescued Chow get along with it?
A. For best compatibility, we strongly recommend that you adopt a Chow of the opposite sex to the dog you already have. Chows are known to fight with dogs of the same sex, especially other Chows. When introducing your dogs for the first time, it's wise to take them to an area that's "neutral" - a place that neither of them are familiar with, like a park. Many dogs resent a strange dog entering their own territory, like their yard or home, but behave much better when meeting them on neutral ground. It's also wise to supervise their interactions for the first several days until you know they will accept each other. Some grumbling over food bowls or toys is to be expected. We recommend that you read our articles "Help! My Dogs Are Fighting!" and "Who's In Charge Here?" to help you avoid difficulties.
Q. Will a rescued Chow get along with my cats?
A. Some do. We've noted in our listings when a particular dog is good with cats or not recommended for a home with them. Some rescued Chows can be taught not to bother cats - look for our article "Making Peace Between Dogs and Cats".
Q. What qualifications do I need to adopt one of these Chows?
A. Adoption requirements are set by the animal shelter, rescue service or individual caring for the dog. You can expect to be interviewed to see if you and the dog will be a good match and if you have appropriate facilities to care for it. You can expect to pay an adoption fee of some kind; very few of the dogs listed will be free. Transportation to get the dog to your home will usually be your responsibility also.
Q. I want a puppy but I don't see many on your list. How do I get one?
A. Most of the dogs on our list will be adults of various ages. Baby puppies are seldom homeless - that's why there aren't many of them on our pages. If your heart is absolutely set on a puppy and you can't find one through rescue, please visit the Chow Chow Club, Inc.'s website at http://chowclub.org and click on the Breeder Directory button.
Q. I was thinking about adopting a Chow to breed to the one I already have. Do you have any rescued dogs with papers or that haven't been neutered and spayed?
A. Most rescued Chows don't have papers or a known pedigree. While they're all beautiful and make great pets, we don't recommend them as breeding stock. If you're serious about having puppies, you should buy a breeding quality dog from a reputable breeder rather than adopting a dog through rescue. The Chow Chow Club's Breeder Directory will help you find a breeder who can guide you.
Q. I'm looking for a certain color but I don't see any on your list in my area. What should I do?
A. Rescued Chows come in all colors and if you're patient, a dog of the color you want may appear shortly. There are many qualities to look for in a pet dog, some - like temperament - are far more important than color. You'll have best results with adoption if your priority is on good temperament and good health. Color is icing on the cake! If your heart is absolutely set on a certain color or a particular set of physical characteristics, you may need to contact a reputable breeder.