A breeder is....
A patient and persistent person dedicated to producing the highest quality dogs of his chosen breed as possible. To him, breeding is a kind of mania, a self-expression, and he is more interested in what emerges from his whelping box than in making a profit. He knows from experience that breeding dogs is an all-engrossing hobby and an expensive one.
A highly intelligent person who has spent endless hours studying genetics and breeding principles, pouring over pedigrees and learning how to interpret them correctly, analyzing his past and present matings in the light of his pedigrees as far back as seven generations or further.
A creative person, a sort of artist. Through a planned breeding program based on knowledge, past experiences and rigorous selection, he expresses himself in canine bone, muscle, flesh and blood in much the same way the sculptor chisels marble or the artist builds his canvas. Like the sculptor and artist,he has a definite conception of what he wants to create and it is this mental picture that, even though he falls short of his mark, enables him to eventually approximate his ideal. A breeder formulates his picture by detailed scrutiny of the AKC Standard of perfection for his breed which is purposely left broad enough to allow the breeder freedom to express his ideal within the standard's framework but without destroying the basic type, characteristics and soundness in his breed.
A responsible person. He maintains his dogs under the most sanitary and modern conditions, giving them a balanced diet, proper exercise and devoting endless hours to their care and training. He does his best to ensure his puppies of a secure future by selecting owners as responsible as he is.
A breeder does not breed his bitch every time she comes into season or allow his stud dogs to mate with any bitch that comes along. Each litter is carefully planned and always with the hope that this litter will produce that really great dog that will leave its mark of excellence on its breed. His ultimate ambition is to create a recognizably superior strain that will breed true.
Before many years elapse, there will very probably be strict government regulations imposed on breeders of dogs. Hobby breeders will be required to proved their dedication, give good reasons why they should be permitted to bring puppies into this world, have adequate housing facilities and training grounds and pass written tests on the subjects of genetics and planned breeding or to spend long apprenticeships with veteran breeders before being permitted to try their own wings.
from an article contributed by Grace Luckey, Lu-Kee Chows, 1983,
Pacific Northwest Chow Chow Club, courtesy of the Mount Hood CCC.
Many of the predictions Grace made
in the last paragraph have actually come to pass.